Nicholas Jordan : “Colorado Springs Police Identify UCCS Suspect: Affidavit Details”

In a tragic incident that shook the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs (UCCS), Nicholas Jordan, a 25-year-old from Detroit, Michigan, was denied a bond reduction on Friday morning. This decision came just before his arrest affidavit was released to the public.

**Background of the Incident**

On February 16, Jordan was charged with two counts of first-degree murder for the fatal shooting of Samuel Kopp, 24, of Parker, and Celie Rain Montgomery, 26, of Pueblo, in a UCCS dorm. The court proceedings began with a debate over whether Jordan’s arrest affidavit should be unsealed. The defense argued for it to remain sealed to protect Jordan’s presumption of innocence, while the prosecution pushed for it to be made public.

**Court Proceedings and Decision**

After a brief recess, the focus shifted to Jordan’s bond. The defense requested a reduction from his $5 million cash-only bond, citing his lack of financial means to post bond and his clean criminal record. However, the prosecution opposed the reduction, highlighting Jordan’s potential flight risk given the severity of the charges and the absence of ties to the community.

Judge David Shakes ultimately denied the bond reduction request, taking into account factors such as Jordan’s limited connections to the area, the nature of the crimes, and the likelihood of him fleeing. A status conference for the case was scheduled for March 15, with a preliminary hearing set for March 27.

**Details from the Arrest Affidavit**

The six-page arrest affidavit revealed chilling details of the incident. On the morning of February 16, a resident of the dormitory pod where the shooting occurred contacted UCCS Police to report the tragic event. Police found Kopp and Montgomery deceased in one of the bedrooms, with gunshot wounds to their torsos. The caller recounted previous conflicts between Kopp and Jordan, including a threat made by Jordan regarding taking out the trash.

**Continued Investigation**

While the motive behind the shooting remains unclear, police confirmed that all three individuals knew each other. The investigation suggested that the incident was an isolated attack and not a random act of violence or a murder-suicide. Jordan was arrested three days after the shooting near the 4900 block of Cliff Point Circle East in Colorado Springs.

As the case progresses, the community awaits further updates on this heartbreaking tragedy that unfolded within the walls of UCCS.

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