Dharmananda Dehury : Odisha Man Axed For Obscene Comments: Dhenkanal Murder.

In a tragic incident that shook the residents of Dhenkanal district in Odisha, a man was brutally axed to death by another man for allegedly making derogatory remarks about women. The incident occurred on Friday night, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.

Background of the Incident:

The victim, identified as Dharmananda Dehury, had reportedly consumed alcohol and went to the house of the accused, Sridhar Dehury. In an inebriated state, Dharmananda made lewd comments about the women in Sridhar’s family, which sparked a confrontation between the two men. Enraged by Dharmananda’s behavior, Sridhar attacked him with an axe, resulting in fatal injuries that claimed Dharmananda’s life on the spot.

Response of Law Enforcement:

Upon receiving information about the gruesome incident, the police swiftly responded to the scene. They found Dharmananda lying lifeless and immediately apprehended Sridhar, who was still at his residence. Sridhar was taken into custody and a murder case was filed against him. The authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to uncover all the details surrounding the case.

Statements from Authorities:

Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO), Kamakhyanagar Prabha Tripathy, expressed shock over the incident and condemned the act of violence. She emphasized the importance of maintaining civility and respect towards others, regardless of the circumstances. The police are working diligently to ensure that justice is served and the perpetrator is held accountable for his actions.

In light of this tragic incident, the community is urged to uphold peace and harmony, and refrain from resorting to violence as a means of resolving conflicts. The authorities are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents in the district, and are taking necessary measures to prevent such incidents from reoccurring.

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