Nex Benedict : Oklahoma Police: Nonbinary Teen’s Death Not from School Fight Injuries

A tragic incident has shaken the community of Owasso, a suburban Tulsa community in Oklahoma, where a 16-year-old high school student lost their life following an altercation in a school restroom. The student, Nex Benedict, identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns. The altercation, which may have been prompted by bullying over gender identity, led to the unfortunate passing of Nex.

Investigations by the Owasso police revealed that Nex did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight. Although the cause of death is still unknown pending toxicology results and other testing, preliminary autopsy results suggest that the injuries from the altercation were not fatal.

The family of Nex has shared that there had been harassment due to the teen’s nonbinary identity. Nex’s mother, Sue Benedict, recounted the physical altercation that took place in the restroom involving Nex and a transgender student against three older girls. The family is still grappling with using Nex’s preferred name and pronouns, emphasizing the importance of respect and understanding.

The incident has sparked discussions about bullying, gender identity, and the safety of students in schools. Authorities are looking into the circumstances of the altercation and considering possible charges. The tragic loss of Nex has reverberated through the community, prompting calls for accountability and support for the family.

In the wake of this heartbreaking event, Governor Kevin Stitt and his wife expressed their condolences to Nex’s family and the Owasso community. The incident has also highlighted ongoing debates surrounding transgender rights and anti-trans policies in Oklahoma.

As the community mourns the loss of Nex, there is a collective call for empathy, understanding, and a commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students. The impact of this tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of standing against bullying and discrimination in all its forms.

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